"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

Our services.

  • Standard

    *1-hour/90 minute- Professional Development Session


    *1-2 Hour - Reading and/or Writing Workshops with Interactive Learning Activities

    *Reflective Time / Q & A Session

  • Supreme

    *3 - 60 or 90 minute - Professional Development Sessions/Workshops Comprehension Series (Q & A Time)

    *Data Analysis Meeting w/

    Strategic Planning for Target Reading Instruction

    *Tiered Comprehension Strategies

    *3 Coaching Sessions (BOY, MOY, EOY) - Grade Levels

  • Elite

    *One-on-One Coaching Sessions (Literacy Coach/Lead Teachers) - Monthly (30 minutes)

    *3 - 5 Small Group or  Grade Level Data Discussions (with Targeted Instructional Recommendations) - Monthly

    *Classroom Walk-Throughs w/Feedback

    *Data Analysis Meeting w/

    Strategic Planning for Target Instruction (with Instructional Leadership Team)

    *Customized Comprehension PD/Workshops (Series)